About Julie

Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love. 

When I look back, I think I decided to become an Artist when I was five. My Mum would tell you it started long before that, when I crucified my naked dolly on two rulers using string and sticky tape!

I have always been creative and dreamt of being either an Artist or an Astronaut.

I wanted to fly to the Moon. I watched the Astronauts land on the moon on tv when I was two, and I remember it with great reverence.

But first, I had to go to school where I loved painting and making pottery snails. I also longed for weekends, when I would sneak through the old wooden slatted fence and go treasure hunting at the local market, collecting goldstone, pyrite and other rocks.

So let's fast forward and let me tell you about how I got to be here: The Artist I am today.

I originally trained as a Printmaker at Art School in the 80's, loving the process of Lithography; the grinding of stones, the smell of ink and all that lovely damp paper, finished off with a round to the Chiropractor... (not so good).

I've worked in the Arts all of my life: from teaching adults and children, to working in a prominent Adelaide gallery, and making ginormous mosaics for major hotels. I've restored French antique furniture, silver-leafed ceilings in grand homes, and studied my great passion - oil painting.

After I graduated in 2013, I was awarded the six month Ed Tweddell residency. Once completed, I joined the studio collective for a further seven years.

I would say I live a creative life, following the bohemian mantra: Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Love.  I surround myself with the magic and history of the past and I don't care much for modern stuff. I like things that resonate with age and have a certain presence.

'I feel by making my paintings I am creating tomorrow's Antiques and sharing a little piece of my time here on Earth.'


The style in which I paint also chronicles the way paintings were made in the 18th century. In essence, my paintings archive the past, whether it be stories or superstitions, or just art for art's sake.

While studying oil painting, I fell in love with the world of Georgian and Victorian mourning and sentimental jewellery. It has changed my life forever and will always be part of my oeuvre. I enjoy researching the history of individual pieces, uncovering their stories and sharing their secrets.

I hope you continue to follow my journey into my world of Art and Antiques. I have wonderful collections and hope to share them through my love of painting and photography.

 Where 'I paint my Truth'.