Pussy's Galore
Strawinski is an Australian Artist, whose medium is oil painting, chosen for its brilliance and the way her paint glows. Her paintings always have a Historical reference which gives the work its meaning.
These nostalgic renditions of her menagerie, including cats and rabbits with bows, are loosely based on the paper Scraps from the Victorian period, dating from the late 1800's onwards.
Paper scraps came in an assortment of sizes and themes. They were mini works of art, made from paper, usually brightly coloured and embossed.
Like todays scrapbooking, Victorian paper scraps were used to dress diaries and personal scrapbooks, often archiving current news of the day. The use of ephemera was widespread and chronicled fond memories and events.
These paintings evoke a sense of play and nostalgia, bringing the past to the present.
Strawinski says she is a time traveller and enjoys the magic and beauty from the past, along with all the rich wonderful tales of a bygone era.
The Fairy Cat
The Fairy Queen has a Fairy Cat
With a coat of bluish grey,
And a fairy has to comb it out
And brush it every day.
The fairies all share the combimg
And they're usually in the wars,
For Lulu, although a fairy cat,
Has very unfairy claws!
Cat Gossip No 39, 31 August 1927